Monday, June 1, 2009


I was like a prisioner who escaped from hell
well, jail.
Shit you know what I mean.
When you have been locked up
held in your patriarch's embrace
for so long......

And for that short time you were able to
The tangible.
It was palpable, in your heart
your mind, your soul was

Laughter came easy
And you felt...good!
At some points, phenomenal!
For once you could finally see a future
Your passions and goals, coming to life.
It all felt....right.

And through it all you are tormented
Solecism's ugly head is constant.
In your ear, beating
at your strength.
You become broken.

Cause you see this fight
Was a first fight out of lock up for you
Hell, you didnt know what to expect, what todo.
All you knew was it felt
Right. Self Contentment, it felt good.

But holding up could only last for so long.
See the patriarch's pounding attacks
Never reliquinsh
But fight harder, grasp harder till
You are but a minut being again
Neatly placed back in your cage

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