Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Are we?
How can this be?

You say things
Assume things.
Embed them in your head.

Even tho'
they many not necessarily
be so.

So many problems,
It seems we have.
It makes me sad.

And frustrated.
And ashamed
that we cant pull thru.

What should we do?

Happiness is my desire.
I see now its yours too.
Honestly, true.

Seeking separate ways.
A relationship concave.
Possible to save?

Still, I love you.

Communication they say is key.
Non existent with you and me.
Holding back emotionally.

I dont blame you for the demise.
Dont hold onto the times I cried.
Healed with the passing of time.

Life is a great unknown.
Its work trying to build a home.
Especially with seeds sewn.

Who really decides our fate?
Times have been bad and good and great.
Time for a clean slate?

So many possibilities
For the outcome of you and me
Only time will see.

Something kept us thru to this point.
Good and bad, a unity joint.
Love is all we need, isnt that the point?

We. Hopefully not you. Me.

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