Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I love you MORE than you KNOW
Yet my inVALIDATION continues to grow
I barely have time for myself
Yet my feelings are thrown on the shelf
When we're happy and flowin', we're GOOD
But it's different when you look under the hood
I feel one way , you feel another
It puts a strain, and makes us wonder
You feel like you DO enough
I feel like I do TOO much
I wonder if you ever CONSIDER me
If you try to walk in my shoes and see what I see
But I know what you'll say
" I really have no reason to feel this way"
"What in my life is REALLY a stress?"
"This is the life I choose, so just do your best"
"Theres no reason to always have an attitude"
"That's why I"M always in a MOOD"
"Your never happy and I feel like it's ME"
And thats why I say you will probally never see
So we live our lives incarcerated
Continuing to feel inVALIDATED.

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