Wednesday, July 22, 2009

untitled ( older work )

Sometimes I think I'm crazy
or Bipolar, or skitzo or manic.
I strive to be a perfectionist
and some really think I am it.
"She can cook, she can write,
She can sure bake a Cake"
"she's a 'nurse', she gives advice
Oh she's just so really GREAT!"
"She's a super mom, she's an artist
Man I couldn't do what you do!"
"She's a true friend, she'll always be there
And she's got all the answers too!"
But they don't see the real me
the one who feels so fake.
The one who's been suicidal and depressed
Over stresses she just cant take
Do they see the sad me, the angry one
who just feels like she can't do right?
The one who keeps things bottled in
But let's it flow in her tears at night?

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