Monday, June 1, 2009

I know her

I seen her again today…
Smiling thru the pain
Not the physical this time
But the anguish in her heart
From staying

She smiles to give the notion
That everything is ok
When underneath it all she's hurting
Fighting inside as to why she stays.

She doesn't even realize
The effect it's had on her
The struggles, the pain
In the back of her mind remain
As if it all was a blur.

She doesn't truly see
The women she speaks on, is like she.
She's just as blinded in this
As he.
As she yearns for a life that's happy.

For years she let it be.

Keeping in the sin.
The shame of years past.
She doesn't even know who she is,
As the years
Have gone by too fast.

She's live a life controlled
Yet it doesn't feel that way
It's become the everyday norm
Unhappiness, frustration,Struggles, as if just another day.

And then one day it happens
The light emerges thru the grey
She realizes her worth
Like her life's rebirth,
Feeling stronger everyday.

As realization battles with complacency
Emerges a woman renewed.
As time goes on Her patience gone
2 years later, deciding what to do.

The decision isn't easy
She hasn't completely given in
Will it end, or will it survive?
The process is killing her inside.
She just wants true happiness in the end.

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