Monday, June 1, 2009


It was by chance, that they met. Guard up, armor on, in defense stance, never would have thought. See, it came upon a summer evening, chill. Rollin by, on the fly, he said\


Hesitation came and yet she gave in... it was somethin about him. Typically, she never gave a notion, never gave a damn coz she knew the ones that hang, was just no good. Trouble. Plus she had it going on no need to proceed to an addition, why add complication? But this cat was new, different and she thought, leme see whats up. It was a quick exchange, as he didnt have real time to spit game. She was diggin his swagger, his smile caught her eye... she thought.. he kinda fly! Somethin about him was familiar. She didnt know why, smilin tho, she kept on with her drive.

Moments passed and the spark was ignited as the conversation ensued for a good 30 minutes. Ok, Ok, so she was feelin his flava, damn near wanted to saiva, yet how, she thought, could this be. Maybe. Just Maybe. She soon realized, the familiarity was in he, was in she, as the signs were a match.


Each day was filled with rapture.. consumed by her own thoughts of him. Even took time to spend with him, truly it was set off there. Her wall began to crumble, she lost her grip on her shield and she let the goodness of it all come in. It was almost a sin.

Days went on and she fought the urge to open up, yet when each thought came to pass, of him, she knew she was caught up. She wanted to tell him so bad, how it felt so good, to feel this way again. Long were the days of infatuation! Yet their she was standing in the middle of a twister of emotion. Now set in motion.

Could she break free?

Wondering if it was truly mutual, or if she was wrapped up in a fantasy. At times she didnt care, thought of his hands through her hair, the taste of his kiss, the passion he emits, made the unlikely, inevitable. She wanted him bad.

Knowing at the time this could never be, she would just have to enjoy him partially, and he the same. No games, just reality. So they take in every, minute of every time they are in company. If it is destiny, so will it be.

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