Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear.... (My Fuck You Letter)

this is dedicated to my so called Best Friend and all my "real" friends...

(clears throat)
um, just dont understand it
I mean,
you were supposed to be
my best friend

Aside from everyone else
you were like a sister to me
All my secrets to confide
Been there for me
When I cried
How could you
Betray me!

Damn, I feel so lonely.

See even the others
I considered real friends
They, just like you
have stabbed me in the back
but then
its more like a stab in the heart
see I felt it in my chest
when my heart skipped a beat
and not the kind caused by love
but it was caused
from your deciet.

Shit, How could you do this to me?!

And I keep hearing
from others, the deep
secrets I intrusted in you.
and some i never expected
a real friend to
run their mouth and
gossip bout it like

As they run their mouths
and others form opnions
When in the end its
really nobody's business
dont you get it?
I mean if you trust in
someone cause you developed a bond,
and over 10 yrs
nothin has gone really wrong
and you know her dirt
and she knows your sorrows
that bond is supposed to last
for our forever, tomorrows.

Fuck, how could you be so shallow?

You know it might not
hurt as much
had it been bullshit talk
the run of the mill
"she dont know when to stop"
or even somethin like"she so self centered, she think she the best"
or "she can be annoyin' as ever!"

But no, you decided
to cut down to the marrow
expose my raw heart
and tell me now
do you feel you've availed?
So its, cause im makin changes
in my life for the better
finding self worth and happiness
gettin my shit together
maybe doin some things
quite out of my character
you judge me and
criticize me
to make you
feel better?!

Deep breath, calm down, this is just your Fuck You Letter.

Much better...

So needless to say
no matter what you have done
decisions you've made
bad choices you've fucked up on
I never judged you
I never got shady
I supported you always
Kept your secrets safewith me.
And that dont jus go
for you my "best friend"
But all the "real" bitches
I thought would ride wit me
to the end.

and now the only thing
left to do
Is some Spring Fuckin' Cleaning
Trashin bitches
like you.

Ok,smh... now I'm through.


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